Tuesday 4 July 2006

Sri Lanka: 500 Happy Children

From Sri Lanka Pho...
Dear SCAW friends,

Here is the SCAW Sri Lanka 2006 team picture: Seated on the left is Cindy Brown, then in the middle is Elizabeth Vanderwater, then on the right Marilyn Hill. Standing on the left is Ryan Rourke, I'm in the middle, and Bud Adams on the right. An awesome team, all of whom love children.

The first 500 of 5000 children went home happy today with their bedkits over their shoulders. Unfortunately it was raining, which caused some concerns but the job got done. The children who received bedkits today did not seem to be malnourished or hungry — just very poor.

Once again, the mosquito net is very popular — only about 5% of the children already have them — but 100% indicate that they would use one if they had one.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) we are leaving at 6am for a three-hour drive to the first distribution then on further to another one where we will be staying overnight. On Thursday we head back to Colombo doing two more distributions on the way.

That's all for now. Got to hit the hay.

For the children,

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