Friday 9 June 2006

Uganda: Malaria Prevention

From Uganda Photo Album
Dear SCAW donors,

Malaria arrives as Uganda experiences another beautiful sunset and nightfall descends on this extraordinary country.

It begins as an innocent mosquito bite. The fever develops rapidly and becomes instantly intense. The natural defences of the body to battle this ravaging fever are not available for a poor malnourished child with no access to life-saving medication. The duration of the disease is often short and fatal. In the time it has taken to read this paragraph, several families in Africa have confronted the sadness of the death of a beloved child.

The bedkit for Uganda in 2006 includes an insecticide treated mosquito net. At distributions we explain to the adult caregivers how these nets can be used safely and effectively.

As donors, you should be proud of your powerful role in protecting the lives of these precious children in Uganda.

2006 Uganda SCAW team

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