Friday 11 April 2008

Philippines: Two more distributions to go

We had only one distribution today. At this one, I was able to observe the checking-in process whereby each child is verified against the master list before being assigned their tag/recipient number which they wear until just prior to having their picture taken.

Upon further investigation of the various classrooms, where groups of 50 children waited patiently for their turn, I observed a special needs child with his mother. When I mentioned this to one of the local support people they were already aware and were moving this child to the first position to avoid delays for this family. I was told that this is SOP (standard operating practice) for this group; I should have known, since they really do seem to think of every detail. Today in particular, there were 80 local volunteers including the mayor plus twenty teachers who covered the costs associated with transporting the children to the distribution site.

One other practice by Sleeping Children Around the World is the survey; typically two parents/guardians are selected at each distribution site who are asked to scrutinize the bedkit contents and answer a series of questions. Their well-thought-out responses will no doubt help to ensure that all the bedkit items meet their needs.

As two SCAW team members set up the bedkit for the display, another reviewed three randomly-selected bedkits to ensure that all itmes were contained within (See list of bedkit items). I can assure you that our Philippines OVO [Overseas Volunteer Organization] has excellent quality control with respect to this important detail.

This will likely be the last live report from us. Later today we are going to be travelling for about five hours to the next site where we will stay tonight and have two final distributions tomorrow. Then we willl wrap up with a meeting with the Philippines SCAW core committee to discuss how things went.

Another successful SCAW distribution: moving us that much closer to the millionth bedkit.

Signing off,

Brenda Porter-Lockhart
for the 2008 SCAW Philippines Travelling Team

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