Monday 26 October 2009

Bangladesh Rotary: Western Bangladesh

This was the first day of the new SCAW Rotary team's three-day western Bangladesh loop.

Our 660 bedkit distribution today was in the rural area of the Padma region and this area and south is the bread basket of the country. There are rice fields, sugar cane, vegetable gardening, orchards and banana plantations everywhere.

Today we saw a new vehicle called a nasimeon which is a modified rickshaw van with a diesel engine and was the all-purpose vehicle in this region hauling almost anything you can imagine including bedkits, kids, and parents home today (Picture to follow but no internet access in Jessore).

Fun was the new faces of Bangladesh -- today and every day (More pictures coming). Fun is the fun this team is having with the kids and the Bangladesh experience.

Fun is heading from our hotel in Jessore to the Rotary Hospital in a convoy of rickshaws and with the great majority of traffic in this city powered by legs it was eerily quiet riding through dark streets. The hospital is a charity project owned and run by the Rotary Club of Jessore and was not fun. We were able to tour it tonight and it was clear they try hard but have little money or equipment so the message tonight was: if you are poor don't get sick. Any help including some medical supplies our team brought is very much needed.

Tomorrow is the big day for me doing a distribution in Jessore, the same city my Dad was stationed at in WWII and a tour to follow including the airstrip he flew out of.

Doug MacDougald
for Rotary Team Bangladesh

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