Sunday 19 September 2010

Honduras: First time distribution

From Honduras 2010 Photos
I am having an amazing experience here in Honduras! It's my first time on a distribution and it's really been incredible. So far we've distributed over 1700 bedkits in three different schools in the capital city, and in the outlying countryside. I've had so much fun playing catch with the children while they waited in line to get their picture taken, as well as seeing their faces light up when I've handed them their bedkit. They're really sweet children and when they smile at you and say "gracias", it's such a gratifying feeling!

The Rotary Club here has been great to work with. On Friday we had a special opportunity to attend a meeting they arranged with The First Lady of Honduras at the Presidential Palace. Through her translator she expressed great appreciation for all that SCAW has done to help the children of Honduras. Their was a lengthy discussion on the desperate need for mosquito nets and the issue of Dengue fever which has killed 69 people so far and made numerous others very ill. As there isn't a vaccination yet to prevent this, the nets are essential. Every bedkit we're handing out includes a treated mosquito net so this trip alone will result in over 5000 children being protected.

It's very rewarding being part of making such a difference in a child's life and seeing Murray Dryden's dream continue. Seeing it all first hand makes me have an even deeper respect for this amazing charity! Can't wait to see the kids again and give out more bedkits!

Susan Hicks
For Team Honduras 2010

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