Thursday, 11 August 2011

Tanzania: Day 1 in Mzenga

Our Day One distribution was very successful and the team members were so excited to work together and see the rewarding results! Happy children leaving with their bedkits.
The 2011 Tanzania bedkit (From Tanzania 2011)
For more photos, click here.

We left our hotel at six a.m. and arrived at the site shortly after eight. Mama Wandoa and her team arrived ahead of us and were busy getting ready for the first child.

The day ran smoothly and six tired but ecstatic Sleeping Children team members entered the van for the rocky ride home. Some large monkeys were spotted on our journey.

Two interviews were conducted at the end of the day. We interviewed a young girl to get a child's perspective on the bedkit and her observations were so insightful. She is an orphan who had lost both parents and her bed at home had consisted of a pile of rope on the floor for a mattress. She was thrilled to receive a bedkit that she said would change her life.

SCAW Team Tanzania

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