Tuesday 25 October 2011

Bangladesh: 1,139 Bedkits

Site 5: Gaurnadi, Barisal

With an early start before breakfast, we had an impromptu stop to watch the preparation and baking of tandoori bread. This led to a prolonged stop that included a delicious griddle-fried omelet, tandoori bread, and tea. Our breakfast arrangements were solved. (See photos in our photo album or in the slide show at the bottom of this post.)

From Bangladesh 2011

Two hours later we arrived for the largest distribution of our road trip: 1,139 bedkits. Some children had travelled five hours to come -- 70 kilometres!

Our location today was at a school dating back from 1893. What a joy it was to be greeted by hundreds of children when we arrived -- children who were cheering, waving, and brimming with anticipation for the day. Later in the day a group arrived adorned in paper hats inscribed with reference to Sleeping Children and the Rotary Club.

What a blast to play with a group this size by throwing frisbees and blowing bubbles. Hard to imagine the group dynamics of hundreds of children laughing and having such a great time.

After a flawless distribution and a delicious late lunch served at the school we went for a stroll in the village accompanied by several child guides.

Who could ask for a better day?

Michael Graves
for Bangladesh Team 2011

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