Monday 9 July 2012

Sri Lanka: Mission Accomplished

From Sri Lanka Album

We regret the delay in getting these blogs to you in a timely manner, but we have been in several areas where there has been no WiFi service.

On our last day of distribution at the opening ceremony, we were privileged to hoist our Canadian flag along with the flag of Sri Lanka, and our SCAW team sang our national anthem with great pride. We are now leaving the island secure in the knowledge that 4,000 children and parents are happier because SCAW has been here.

The bedkits have been a bright spark of hope to the people who have been so affected by the civil war, the severe drought that is now devastating the area, and the contamination of the wells that supply drinking water to the villages. (This has happened because due to the water table dropping, the existing arsenic that is in the ground has leached into and poisoned the water).

Including the 4,000 bedkits delivered by
the Sri Lanka team this year, our total is
now 1,237,130 bedkits since Sleeping
Children began in 1970.

There is an African word, "Umoja" that means "the spirit of togetherness". Thousands of miles away, that spirit is alive and well in Sri Lanka. To our donors, everyone involved in SCAW in Toronto, the parents, teachers, the officers and soldiers of the Sri Lankan Army, our partners - the Kelaniya Rotary Club, Brian, Emma, Gary, Heather and Joy, "Thank you" for sharing this spirit with 4,000 children.

(May you live long and well).

for Team Sri Lanka 2012

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