Saturday 1 December 2012

Nicaragua: First Distribution!

Wow what a day!

Our first day of distribution in Nicaragua and we couldn't wait to get started.  Three of our team members had never been on a SCAW distribution before and I think we were a mixture of both nerves and excitement.  

I cannot describe the emotion that overtook us all at the sight of the children when we first entered the school yard enclosure.  The smiles and anticipation of those children waiting for our arrival was overwhelming.

There were so many special moments today starting with the children reciting their morning prayer and singing the national anthem before we got the distribution started.
The patience of the children seemed never-ending; anticipating their turn for their photograph and to receive their bedkit.

The sweetest moment of the day was when I found myself unexpectedly wrapped in a fierce hug by the cutest little girl; a moment impossible to describe.
What a day!

Jill for Nicaragua 2012
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