Thursday 31 January 2013

Chennai: Chenglepet

Wednesday we did a distribution of 450 bed kits in Chenglepet.  It was an early start at 6:00 am followed by a three hour drive to the distribution site.  Part of the drive was along a coastal highway and we had scenic views of the Bay of Bengal and seaside resorts.  We had hoped to stop on the way back to the hotel to see some saltwater crocodiles but ran out of time.

At Chenglepet we had a great view of the mountaintop temple that the town is named after.  Local history tells of two eagles that used to fly to the temple at 12:00 noon every day.  It was said that the locals could set their watches by the birds arrival.  Unfortunately, the last of the pair of eagles passed away about 6 years ago.

The distribution site was on a busy local roadway bordered by shops and was a bit congested, but with some shifting of tarps and roping to guide the children through the site, we made a tight but functional space.  Our local Indian residents helped enthusiastically as we moved bedkits from the main building to the area for handing them out with smiles and chuckles as the odd member got bopped with a bedkit that was being passed down the line. The women were generous and wanted to share their lunch with us.

The local Rotarian President acted as our assistant to our photographer (Susan) and used our puppet (Lambchops) to solicit smiles and giggles from the children.  He was great and we wanted to kidnap him and take him to our next distribution but he got away.  Many thanks to him and the other helpers.

The children arrived excited with waving and attempts at communication.  They were even more excited and relaxed as they loaded onto their buses with their bedkits.

Kim for Team Chennai 2013
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