Sunday 8 September 2013

Sri Lanka: Post your comments here:

As a courtesy, please add your name to the end of your comment.


Anonymous said...

Good luck Team. Hoping your trip is successful and rewarding to you all. Will following it with keen interest.
Best Wishes
Tom B.

Anonymous said...

Look like 29c and thunderstorms where you are on this Sept 9th ; if photo sessions were scheduled I assume you all have a plan B.

Look forward to hearing how things go - stay safe , stay healthy.

Cheers from Barbara Murphy-Bridge
Cape Breton Isl. NS

Anonymous said...

Dear Team Sri Lanka:
You must feel priviledged to have people meeting you at the airport at 5:00 a.m.! Hope you are able to get some well-needed rest before everything starts. Sure hope you did not forget your kazoos??
Have a GRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT distribution.
You are indeed "KEEPING MURRAY'S DREAM ALIVE" in Sri Lanka.
Blessings to all,
Susan & Duncan Macgregor.

Anonymous said...

To Team Sri Lanka:

Wishing you a great distribution filled with lots of joy from the happy young faces you will provide a restful sleep.

Safe journeys,
-Katie Sandiford

Anonymous said...

To Team Sri Lanka,

Pleased to hear that you have all arrived safely. You will be making many children loved and cared for with your gifts of bedkits. I am looking forward to seeing your photos as I know that they will be just great.
Best wishes to Dave and Clarence and all the team.

Eileen Rademacher

Anonymous said...

Just saw the video {at Clarissa's} and it paints a wonderful picture of what's happening. Great job Doug.
Wishing you a fruitful trip providing lots of smiles and hope for the Sri Lankan children.
Hope all's well as it is here.Be healthy and safe travels Clarence and team.
Mary Ann Deyoung

Anonymous said...

It's Wednesday and we are hard at work and hope you are too!
(no talking, no laughing as usual)and, Dave, you thought you could get away from us.


ROAN said...

Hello Team Sri Lanka,

Great work as always, Doug. We know the distribution is in great hands and that the experience will be a very positive one. What a privilege it is to know such great people as yourselves. Stay safe and enjoy.

For the Children,

Joan and Richard

Anonymous said...

Good to see Clarence.
Team Sri Lanka have a safe and successful distribution!

Doug Jamieson said...

Thanks Richard and Joan. Finished Day 1, and we have a fabulous team. Great to her from you!

Doug Jamieson said...

Thanks, Mary Ann. It's such a pleasure to finally be on a SCAW team with Clarence.

Doug Jamieson said...

So far, no rain has interrupted our outdoor photography. Very hot though. Fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

Turned cooler this a.m. in Toronto and wish I could send it your way.
Just want to tell Doug to keep the videos coming.Reilly like to follow your adventures knowing the long days you're spending and how tiring the heat and early morns and busy schedules must be.
Safe travels Clarence and team.
Mary Ann Deyoung

Tim's Aquafit Clan said...

Gosh - did I get taken in. When I saw the title "The big Shot" , I expected lots of photos of Dave!!
Wishing all of you good health.

Karen Shouldice WWW

mary-jo lang said...

I think today is Dave Dryden's birthday...Happy birthday Dave!!! (I also think he is on this trip but have not actually seen a list of the people on it, so......) Anyway, wherever you are, Dave, I hope your birthday is (or was) a happy one. And many more of the same!

Anonymous said...

Belated happy birthday Dave.And great job team Sri Lanka.Safe journey all.See you home Clarence.
Mary Ann Deyoung