Sunday 26 January 2014

Kenya: Our First Day

Today was Team Kenya's first day in Kenya and it turned out to be a very eventful day. It started off with a cup of coffee after breakfast with one of the Rotary Club members and then over to the Village Market to do our banking.  After the trip to the bank we needed to try the local Gelato - which was great.

Next on the agenda was a visit to two cottage industries where bedkit sweaters and backpacks are manufactured. It was gratifying to see SCAW's funds helping the small industries. Our afternoon included a visit to the massive warehouse where the bedkits are stored. Everything was organized for the distributions. The journey took us past many of the sites in Nairobi. It certainly is a city of contrasts.

We returned to our lodge for a pre-distribution meeting and then over to a Rotarian's house for a small reception.

Looking forward to tomorrow's first distribution.
Team Kenya 2014.

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