Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Togo: Day 11

Bonjour mes amis!

Team Togo will go to any extreme for the perfect picture for the distribution photo.  Last night, Wayne spent hours planning and drafting the blueprints for our large group photos.  For the first time, we have the Canadian flag and the Togolese flag represented by the children wearing colourful T-shirts.  In order to get these panoramic shots, Doug, the photographer, had to perch precariously on a bamboo ladder.  Wayne made sure that the operation was done with military precision and efficiency.

To start off the distribution, both teams sang O Canada en francais because French is the national language.  This was challenging for the Anglophones so we rehearsed in the van en route to the distribution. (Tomorrow we will be singing the Togolese national anthem).

Creativity was also evident today when Peggy and Dosseh noticed a group of children preparing to leave the site.  They were in awe that 25 kids and three adults were packed into a small Toyota. 

We visited a cottage industry with 8 seamstresses who made the 5,000 skirts and shorts that were included in the bedkit.  Murray Dryden would have been delighted as he really believed in local job creation.

All in all, today was a wonderful day for creating memories. 

Bon soir, Team Togo.
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