Wednesday 21 January 2015

Chennai: Getting Ready

Team Chennai was greeted last night at midnight by our wonderful Rotarians. There is great excitement here over the distribution of the 100 000th bedkit in Chennai. The first distribution was in 1987, some 28 years ago. Judy will be joining us to present the special bed kit on our last day of distribution.

Team Members from Left to right. Lawrence Hutchinson, Sue Small (Team Leader), Cathy Gregory, Donna Chantler, Marg Garrett (Assistant Team Leader), Don Barclay

Today we were busy checking out the bedkit and are pleased to announce all is in good order. Lawrence led us in yoga breathing exercises as a warm up activity. We even witnessed a wedding in our hotel amidst bands and fireworks announcing the groom and an elevator ride with the bride. We’re off to a great start to our distribution.

The Bride

Marg for Team Chennai