Friday, 17 April 2015

Philippines: April 15 - A Special Day!

April 15th marked a special day for the SCAW team from Canada as well as our partners SCAW Philippines. There had been many emails and phone calls back and forth between Ontario and the Philippines regarding the extraordinary contribution that had been donated by the students, staff, and families at the Marshall McLuhan Catholic Seconday School. 

Between them they had generously donated 443 bed kits!

We all wanted to make an extra effort to recognize the efforts of MMCSS. The official photographs were taken and will eventually be delivered to the donors at the school.

How about photographing all 443 bed kit recipients?

With their usual efficiency and organization, SCAW Philippines started setting up the shot. Children were sorted by height and assembled in a large open area of the school in Polangui.

The children were given numbered lanyards that would identify them and allow them to receive their bed kit.

And here is the result! 443 Filipino children waving thank you to MCSS, with a loud, resounding Mabuhay!​
Salamat po from the children of Polangui, the Canadian team, and SCAW Philippines.

Team Philippines 2015 

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