Tuesday 2 June 2015

Uganda: Day 7

After a two hour drive down some bumpy dirt roads we arrived at our distribution site, Sanyonga.  Once again we were greeted by a large group of parents as we got off the bus, all wanting to give us hugs.  Their enthusiasm was overwhelming. 

The children were getting changed into their new clothes and were gathered under a canopy.  We enjoyed their beautiful singing. 

As with every day the skies were threatening rain.  We had been fortunate in that most days we were able to complete our distribution before the rain started and this was our expectation.  Unfortunately this was not to be the case today.  We were about two thirds of the way through when it started to drizzle.  It became heavier and heavier.  Luckily we had the canopy where the children had been gathered and were able to move the bedkit underneath and finish our pictures.  At the end of the day we were soaking wet but happy as were the 495 children who had received bedkits this day.

Team Uganda 2015
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