Wednesday 11 November 2015

Bangladesh: Days of Rest!

I woke this morning to the first Call to Prayer, and enjoyed its haunting and peaceful tones.
A fine way to start a day!

To date, in our four days of distributions, 2,400 Bangladeshi children have received a bedkit. These are children exactly as our own - funny, daring, shy, excited, timid, wide-eyed, full of promise - and last night each of them would have gone to bed with gifts from our SCAW donors that might ease the way to their becoming more of the people they already are.

After our last distribution when we returned to our hotel, the Canadian Bangladeshi team and many of our Rotarians and Rotaractors ventured out to a neighourhood tea shack. It was the perfect end of a day! It was a cozy spot with an inside table for 6 or 8, and of course, lots of road space outside to stand and talk.
It had a hand pump well for the water, a fire of pressed rice stalks under the kettle, fresh ginger and other condiments ready, and honestly, it was the best cuppa ever!
Good tea and good company! It gets no better!

We have completed the northern districts of Bangladesh for our bedkit distributions and will be leaving on an in-country flight then take some rest for a couple days.  We will then move to another part of Bangladesh where we will visit 7 more districts in another part of the country to complete the remaining 3,600 bedkits. 

Mary-Jo Lang for Team Bangladesh 2015