Monday, 27 March 2017

Philippines: Off To Work!

After a relaxing day's rest from travelling , away we go. Our first task was a visit to the "warehouse" where the bed kits are assembled and stored.  From this location the bed kits are also  dispatched each day for a distribution.

Seemed a little strange as we disembarked from the van at the warehouse being in a residential area. The warehouse was Dr. Ito's house. The 5000 bed kits were all assembled at his house and filled almost every room of the house.

We were then fortunate to assemble the last 100 bed kits before we were off to
a distribution for the afternoon.

Our afternoon was a distribution of 300 bedkits at Vista Verde. It went very smoothly.
Before we returned home we visited one of the villages of recipients of today's distribution.
It was exciting to see the kids returning home with smiles on their faces eager to unpack the

Team Philippines 2017
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