Thursday 1 June 2017

Uganda- A Touching Moment!

Today the team visited the district of Suni and we were once again greeted by
singing and clapping children and parents singing traditonal African songs.
Much dancing ensued! We were happy to distribute another 500 bedkits, and were warmly thanked by the area priest.

A very touching moment came at the end of our visit. Three children came forward
to give us a gift - in this case 3 eggs. They have so little and yet they wanted to
give us something in thanks. The same gesture was made several distributions
ago. We received bananas and fruit from children who had just received a bedkit.
There were hugs all round. We then managed to "re-gift" these generous items
to another family further down the road...and wouldn't you know it, they turned
around and gave us corn!

Only 1000 more bedkits to go.

Debbie Stelzer
Team Uganda 2017

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