Saturday 24 August 2019

Honduras, 2019: Day 11: Generous Donors, Happy Children

Each night our team gathers to review the labels that will be in the photos the next day. We read the messages from each of the donors and it  never fails to make us smile. We  know that each label represents the gift of a bedkit for the child.  

We see the labels from our friends and our families, we see the labels for the birth of a child, and for the passing of another.  We see milestone celebrations - 50th anniversaries, a loved daughter turning 21, a dear friend hitting 60.  Some are markers of special events, fundraisers within communities and schools.  

This trip had many donations from corporate donors as well as from super-organized donors who were already purchasing bedkits for Christmas presents!  

One of our favourites this year read simply "Just because the world is a good place". 

After 11 wonderful days of working with the children here in Honduras, we agree wholeheartedly!

Debbie Will-Dryden
Team Honduras 2019