Friday 10 October 2008

Nicaragua: Making bedkits

From Nicaragua 2008 Photo Album
Our fourth distribution in Nicaragua was on a very sunny day. The sun shone all day and so did the faces of 765 children. At 8:00 this morning the temperature gauge read 37 degrees and the children patiently waited for their turn to pose for their photos and receive their bedkits. As one little boy enthusiasticly proclaimed, in perfect English, "It's Santa Claus!"

Today, the team was again overwhelmed by the appreciation expressed by the children, families, and schools. One particularly brave little boy stood in front of the crowds and thanked Sleeping Children Around the World and the Rotary Club. They were all so grateful for their 765 friends in Canada. The simple gifts of mosquito netting, bedding, mattress, clothing, and school supplies were indeed valuable and precious to all the children and their families. Each child would certainly agree that every donation from Canada will improve, if not change, their world!

The clothing factory. Click to see more photos.
From Nicaragua 2008 Photo Album
Following today's distribution, the team had the unique opportunity to visit the two workshops where the clothing and mattresses had been made. Under hot tin roofs, Nicaraguan men and women have worked tirelessly to manufacture 4,000 matresses, 16,000 t-shirts and 12,000 shorts on behalf of the SCAW donors. Without the luxuries of air-conditioning and space, these workers have made the mattresses, stuffed with cast-off material, and sewn each shirt with ancient sewing machines, for the Nicaraguan children. It quickly began apparent to all team members that SCAW's bedkit order had vastly improved these workshops' economy. Murray Dydren's vision of contributing to the local economy was certainly maintained.

At the end of the day, there were still more children at the gate asking for food and supplies. Therefore the team is very happy to be continuing the bedkit distribution tomorrow.

To see more photos, go to our Nicaragua 2008 Photo Album.

The SCAW 2008 Nicaragua travelling team.

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