Friday 22 January 2010

Kolkata: 550 bedkits in Chow Danga

Report received this morning by telephone from India.

Our distribution today was at Chow Danga, a small village a two-hour drive from Kolkata. Our goal was to deliver 550 bedkits which we did. The bedkits were received with great enthusiasm by bright, beautiful children.

Afterwards we were given a tour of the village by our partners in the local service club. They have several projects for the people there. One is sewing which involves teaching the use of several machines and patterns. The other is a horticultural project in which they try out various plants to see which would be beneficial for the area.

We visited a small farm with chickens, goats, pigeons, mustard (the main source of cooking oil in the area), and rice.

A wonderful lunch was provided for all the volunteers by the ladies of the village.

Even though the countryside was well-populated, it was a great contrast to the teeming millions we encountered on our return journey at rush hour to the inner city of Kolkata.

Jill Adams
for Team Kolkata 2010

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