Saturday 23 January 2010

Kolkata: Lots of help

Received by email from Kolkata after several attempts.

I have been very impressed with the huge amount of help we are receiving at each distribution site from the teenaged or slightly older volunteers.

Today I was mostly at the end of the line handing the bedkit to each child, usually wth the words, "This is a gift for you -- from Canada." Then I would hand off the child to one of our volunteer helpers who were usually taking the day away from their studies. The volunteer would take the child by one hand, hoist the heavy bedkit over his shoulder, and lead the child to where their parents were anxiously waiting. This makes it seem easy, of course.

In reality, there were mobs of parents to contend with, the usual adults who had pushed their way past our rope barrier, children whose parents didn't seem to be there, and so on.

Bill Weldon
for Team Kolkata 2010

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