Monday 31 January 2011

Chennai: Tiruchchirappalli

From Chennai 2011
We spent a little over five hours riding on a train and enjoying the countryside. A whole new angle at seeing India's marvelous country with many rice paddies and farms along the way.

We were greeted by our wonderful Rotarians and brought to a lovely hotel in the city of Tiruchchirappalli (Trichy). We awoke the next morning to a delightful buffet before we set out for our third distribution.

Travelling on the country road for a short period of time we reached our destination at a college gymnasium that is still under construction. Here we set up the bedkits and the children started to arrive. Some of them had been travelling before sunrise to receive a bedkit -- what real troopers these young children are.

Working with SCAW comes with great happiness knowing that we all made and are making a difference in many peoples' lives; and seeing these children smile when they receive the bedkit comes with the greatest feeling of all -- the feeling of love, the love one gets after helping one another.

Dante Racioppo
for the Chennai 2011 Team

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