Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Belgaum: Waiting for the first distribution

From Belgaum 2011
As a first time SCAW volunteer today was awash with novelties. We visited several schools whose students had in the past received bedkits. The enthusiastic welcome in their broad smiles was truly awesome!

We were invited to several homes where the previously distributed bedkits were proudly displayed and maintained in a pristine fashion. (Pictured at right.) One of the mothers explained that her daughter wore her dress on "special occasions."

We also visited the homes of children who will receive bedkits tomorrow. Nothing I was told could have adequately prepared me for the experience. The huts they live in have no furniture. They sleep on a dirty concrete floor. Up to 10-12 persons share a room 10 by 12 feet.

They basically have nothing. One young boy kept asking me a question that his teacher interpreted for me. he said, " Take me with you to your country." I hope he gets a bedkit tomorrow.

From Belgaum 2011
Lastly we toured two factories where components of the bedkits are made. One is a family business out of their tiny home.(Pictured at left.) As a family they make 200 caps per day for SCAW.

The second is where the printing, and packaging of all the written material is undertaken -- again a family business run by three brothers. They work hard for the children and local cottage industry is supported -- yet another benefit of a SCAW donation.

I can't wait for my first distribution tomorrow.

Tom Todd
for Team Belgaum, 2011

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