Sunday 27 February 2011

Pune: Mission Accomplished

5,000 more bedkits = 1,140,130 bedkits

5,000 children from rural Pune have now benefitted from this year's Sleeping Children distribution.

We wish you all had been with us to meet the children whose lives you have impacted.

Before we left Canada for our Pune work, I tried to find the regions in Pune in which we were going to be working. It proved to be a more difficult task than I anticipated. The villages were not "Google-able". Yet we now have been in these villages, played with the children in these villages, and witnessed the many and varied personalities of each of the 5,000 children who received bedkits.

We want to you see these children as we had the privilege of seeing them -- not just as needy children in India, but as kids who are fundamentally like any of our own children, but who happened to be born in a different country under different circumstances.

So, for our final photo essay, I thought I'd introduce you to some of these great kids we got to meet because of your donation.


Debbie Dryden
for Team Pune, 2011

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