Monday 23 May 2011

Uganda: Heartwarming visits to families

Today we visited children from four separate families who received bedkits in the past. This was a day that stirred up many emotions. A happy-sad kind of day.

From Uganda SlideShow 1
Three of the four families we visited were headed by only a grandmother and one by only the mother. Two had four grandchildren living with them and one had seven.

They told us that their grandchildren were under their full time care because they were all orphaned through various disease, with one three-year-old whose mother died while birthing him.

Uganda SlideShow 1
They all invited us into their homes with pride as they showed us the bedkit that had been gifted to them, some as long ago as 2005. The older ones were obviously well-worn, and the ones from more recent distributions were clearly being used every day by the children of the family.

All who live in the home clearly gained by receiving their bedkit.

Thank you to Annette, Nalumu, Yudaya and Robinah for welcoming us into your homes!

Suzanne Dobinson
for the Uganda 2011 SCAW Team

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