Wednesday 1 February 2012

Kolkata: Mission Accomplished

From Kolkata 2012

Day 10: The Kindness of Strangers

The final distribution day has been completed - 1200 today!

It could not have happened without the kindness of strangers ...
  • to the wonderful people around Canada and the world, who donate to this most worthwhile charity -- without you, none of this could happen
  • to our most warm and welcoming hosts -- the Rotary Club of Dum Dum -- for their fine tuned organizational skills, which kept us on track
  • From Kolkata 2012
  • to their wives and children who were also instrumental with the success of the distribution
  • to all of the Oversees Volunteer Organizations that assist us day-to-day over here with the cooking for the children, to the assistance at the distribution sites, with changing the children, setting up the photo sites, assisting with handing us the bedkits, and who ensured our safety
  • to the Rotarian Doctors who asked us daily about our health, and the hundreds of others who are too numerous to mention
  • and this wouldn't have happened without the beautiful children of India -- with their smiles and happy/shy disposition, who made our days so very enjoyable, and all the long days and hard work worthwhile


From Kolkata 2012
And today at the close of the distribution, all six of us walked with the last six children hand-in-hand, each giving them their bedkit, and then walked them to their waiting parent ... wishing them Namaste
Including the 6,500 bedkits delivered
in Kolkata this year, our total is
now 1,195,630 bedkits since
Sleeping Children began in 1970.

That's all she wrote ... Thank you for joining us on this wonderful adventure ...

Team Kolkata 2012

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