Monday, 13 February 2012

Pune: Thank you

Today we were again in a small village outside of the city of Pune.

The gratitude of the children and their caregivers was amazing -- from verbal "namastes" ("Thank you") to greetings of marching bands and dancing, flowers and a spicy lunch, and many many photos to commemorate the day, their gratitude was evident every step of the way.

The teachers were a key part of organizing these displays of gratitude, and they made our day a memorable one.

This rural area suffers from extremes of weather: wet monsoons and dry, hot summers challenge the villagers lives. The weather, combined with the extreme poverty of the area, makes even attending school a challenge.

From Pune 2012
One mother commented in an interview that the items in the bedkit were more than what she has in her home; her child's bedkit was a gift to be cherished.

Thank you, donors, from the grateful children and for allowing us to be here on your behalf!

Team Pune 2012

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