Monday 23 April 2012

Togo: Gadjagan

Team Togo went to Gadjagan today, two hours north west of Lomé.

The roads were good, and our insides were thankful! Our driver can maneuver around the potholes, so we arrived with our gluteus maximi not numb!

A group of 80 children were waiting to entertain with singing and dancing. Imagine our delight when they began to sing to the tune Jingle bells, throwing tiny pieces of paper to represent snow! A group playing the music from this area were fantastic, we were all boogeying.

The children who were receiving bedkits were all excited and there were roars of delight when the bedkit contents were demonstrated by Dan the man.
Photography went well; it was amazing to see happy children walking away holding the bedkit, with their mattress balanced on their heads.

At the end of the distribution, Freddy ran around the field with a balloon, with dozens of kids shrieking, trying to catch it. Many of them fell screaming with laughter, a wonderful sight.

Our AED team took us to the village, a short walk through the fields, and we visited two homes where the children had received bedkits today. The families welcomed us, and we could enter their homes where the bedkits will stay.

Our return to Lomé was peaceful, the team relaxing; however, no snores were heard.

After a stop for showers and lunch the team went downtown to the markets and bought more essential groceries.

Margaret Crossling
for Team Togo 2012

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