Saturday 27 April 2013

Togo: Au Revoir Togo!!

Bedkit Recipient in doorway of
tiny room that her family lives in from Togo 2013
Independence for Togo came in 1960.   Today all of Togo celebrated Independence Day.

Parades made the streets impassable so our departure was delayed.  Fortunately the road was paved and well maintained so we arrived even before some of the children had returned from the Independence Day festivities in Kebotoe.

The children sang their Togo National Anthem and we responded with Oh Canada.  

With mixed emotions we handed out the last 500 bedkits.  

One of today's children lived in a small compound just across the road from the school.  We were invited to visit.
There is no doubt the bedkit will be well used but while most of bedkit was still in the bag, the school supplies were already set out on her tiny desk.

Mattress and Bedkit Items from Togo 2013

Kitchen in the Compound from Togo 2013
Take a look at the photos of the Togo/Canada Team.  It was a pleasure to work with  Action Enfance et Developpment, a dedicated and congenial group led by Laurent Dekalikan and his wife, Gladys.

The Team from Togo 2013

Au revoir Togo.

Team Togo