Monday 27 May 2013

Uganda: Kowolo

The Team From Uganda 2013

Our second distribution was at Kowolo, on the way to Jinja which is the source of the Nile River.  We had many extremely helpful volunteers assisting us with many jobs such as lining the children up, organizing the bedkits for the Scaw volunteers and helping the children return to their parents with their new special gift.  It was very useful having these volunteers since it helped the distribution go quickly and smoothly which was particularly useful since we were racing ahead of the coming rain storm.  When we realized how far these children had traveled to reach the distribution site, many of them walking seven miles or more, it was imperative to have them receive their bedkit and be on their way before the rain came.  It was a sight to behold to see them walking along the path below us clutching their new bed kit and dressed in their colourful new clothes. 


After the rain storm, our OVP, the Innerwheel of Kampala, shared with the Canadian Team one of the most spectacular sights of Uganda, The Source of the Nile.

Team Uganda 2013
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