Honduras: Women's Co-op
On Wednesday,
after a very successful distribution at Colonia VIlla, we had the
opportunity to visit a Women's Sewing Co-op. Organized two years ago to
provide training and employment opportunities for women, this program is
supported by the Rotary Club of Tegucigalpa, our Overseas Partner in
Honduras and facilitates the economic
independence of women, most of them single women. About 50% of the bed
sheets included in this year's bedkits were sewn by the Ladies. This
was a pilot project to determine their ability to deliver a quality
product at the right price and on time. The Co-op produced a superb
product and hopefully they will have the opportunity to manufacture all
the sheets or other items for next year's distribution. This is an
example of how a $35 donation does far more than provide an bedkit for a
child. Since items in the bedkit are manufactured in the country of distribution, it supports the local economy which is experiencing troubled
times, high unemployment and limited opportunities. The trickle down
effect is significant. Women have the opportunity to earn wages and
support their families. The bedkit provides comfort for a child; a
lifeline for its mother.
Thank you donors on behalf of the Women's Co-op and their families.
Team Honduras 2013
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