Friday 22 November 2013

Nicaragua 2013: Meeting Old Friends

Today was a very exciting day for me!  I had the honour of being a Nicaragua team member in 2009 and was now not only returning, but reconnecting with special friends.  In 2009 some of the youth of the Rotaract club and I created a bond that we have kept through Facebook.  Things have changed in four years and now one of those people, Marcia was in charge of the distribution today.  Working along side with her were Maryhen and Greco.  All three are wonderful, successful adults who are committed to enhancing the lives of the people of their country.  It was so great to see them taking charge and sharing their hearts!  We shared long hugs and enjoyed the opportunity to work together again.

After the distribution we visited the company who made the 4000 mosquito nets for the bed kits this year.  It is a small family business and it was clear they worked very hard to get the order complete.  The children and their parents are so happy to be taking home every item in their gift.

Suzanne Dobinson for Team Nicaragua 2013
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