Monday 21 July 2014

Tanzania: Congo La Mboto

Our Team arrived last night after traveling for about 24 hours. We were greeted by Mama Wandoa, Wendy and Benjamin  (our overseas volunteer partners). Our driver, David, took us to our place to stay. Once we got settled, we enjoyed a good sleep.
Although we were a little tired this morning from our flight last night, there was so much adrenaline in us from being excited for our first day of distribution.

There are 3 team members on their first distribution. And they fit in as if they have done this before.

Our first site was at the school in Congo La Mboto with 2,000 students.
After distributing 740 bedkits, we were given a wonderful good bye with many students giving us lots of high fives

The day concluded with buying groceries for our team, making dinner and a early time to go to bed.

Steve Allen for Team Tanzania 2014
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