Wednesday 23 July 2014

Tanzania: Mburahati

Day 5, our half way point of distribution, took place in Mburahati. This was the closest distribution to our overseas home as well as our biggest distribution of 800 bedkits. We were lucky today as we were able to pick out our photo site almost immediately. Our biggest struggle of the day was the wind blowing the bedkit out of place. Luckily Joan had quick reflexes and was able to sort everything out. During one of our breaks, we had a group of children gather around to sing some lovely Tanzanian songs. Along with this they ATTEMPTED to teach us some Swahili words, including numbers from one to ten. We were fortunate enough to remember the first three numbers being moja, mbili, and tatu. During this break, our original thought was to go for lunch but unfortunately we had forgotten our lunches and had to deal with few snacks. Although it was our biggest distribution, we finished in good time with few delays and a lunch ready for the next day. 

Team Tanzania 2014