Thursday 5 March 2015

Mumbai: Post-Mumbai Reflections

I can’t believe my 5 days of distribution in Mumbai are finished and I’m home.  We all did many jobs while we were there and I enjoyed them all.  I did interviews on two days with 3 families each day.  So interesting to meet with the parents of children receiving bedkits to see how they live and learn how much they appreciated the many gifts their children were about to receive.  Sad to hear of the conditions they live in but also great to hear their expectations for their children.  When asked of their dreams for their children they wanted their child to grow to be strong, a good person helping in their village and a good person with their families.  All wanted their children to complete schooling to at least Grade 10 and hoped they could also go farther.

The day I got to do the handing out of the bedkits was fantastic.  When each child came to me I shook their hand and watch their face light up and a huge smile appeared as I handed them their bedkit.  All said thank you in English and many said Namasté, which is spoken with a slight bow and hands pressed together, palms touching and fingers pointing upwards, thumbs close to the chest.  I was puzzled by many who would touch my foot and then their forehead or heart.  I asked the person helping me and they said they are saying “God Bless You”.  I was blessed many, many times that day and I will remain blessed forever because of this tremendous trip.

Ken Thompson for Team Mumbai 2015
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