We shared the different jobs throughout the day. Working together all 715 pictures were taken and bedkits handed out.
At the completion, we met with some representatives from the school board and the headmaster of our school who wanted to speak to us. Mama did the translating for them.They told us that this gift of a bedkit will encourage the students to continue with their education. They said that the contents were very useful to everyone, and would be shared with all of the family. They wanted us to thank all the donors who made this possible. Many families come from from a very difficult environment and the items in the bedkit will help to alleviate some of the challenges they face every day and will enable them to stay in school.
I helped pull labels today, and noticed that there are many different reasons to donate a bedkit...."in memory of", "Happy Birthday ", "To the best Nanna ever", Happy Anniversary", "Merry Christmas", etc. whatever the reason, a child was helped and a family was helped. Thank you donors.
Suzanne for Team Tanzania 2015
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