Friday 17 July 2015

Tanzania: Our First Distribution!

Today was Team Tanzania's first distribution at Umoja with 710 bedkits.  We arrived at the site just after 7 a.m. to see Mama Wandoa and her team of Tanzanian volunteers already hard at work folding and tying the mattresses.  We were greeted by a crowd of hundreds of school children and were able to spend a few minutes playing, giving high fives and enjoying their brilliant smiles before listening to theTanzanian national anthem and watching some steel drum and dancing performances by the kids.  

The distribution itself ran fairly smoothly with only minor bumps.  Much less bumpy than the roads of Dar Es Salaam!  This was the first distribution ever for myself and Team member, Rita.  I feel like I have been waiting for this day since finding out that I was invited to come to Tanzania last winter, and it was truly a day to remember.  The sun was hot but the day was filled with people coming together and working hard to give children the gift of a better night's sleep.  I had the chance to practice my newly acquired, though limited, Swahili such as 'jambo' (hi), asante (thank you), habari (how are you?) and of course, 'lala salama' (sleep well) and enjoyed making this contact with so many children.  Another highlight was seeing the labels printed with donor names of people from back home who have been so very supportive of our participation on this trip.  

I am currently writing this blog as we are at a standstill in traffic, that which is very common here in Dar.  What took us 25 minutes to drive this morning is looking to be a 2-3 hour return trip home.  There is still much to do this evening and we look forward to another full day tomorrow for our next distribution.  We hope that you will enjoy reading this blog and taking the journey with us over the next 9 days.

Until next time, lala salama.

Laura for Team Tanzania 2015