Today is Sunday so there are no bedkit distributions. You might think we got to sleep in and relax but NO began at 7:00 and lasted until 11:00.
It was an honour to attend Mama Wondoa's church, Magomeni Mviringo Lutheran in Dar es Salaam. This new church building was started in 2012 and although it is still a work in progress, the building is used every Sunday and throughout the week for a variety of programs including a 6:00-7:00 a.m. 'Praise and Prayer' service for daily encouragement.
Attendance on Sundays averages around 800-1000. The Sunday School roll includes 285 children with an average of 100 each Sunday. We had the opportunity to visit the Sunday School where we entertained them with a song and they entertained us.
Today was a special service lead by the young people ( ages 18-35) with music and drama. Three church choirs and two visiting youth choirs sang and danced-the acoustics were amazing with the open air sanctuary that soared five storeys high. The congregation responded to each performance with the ' Trinity Clap' (three claps; Father, Son and Holy Spirit). The SCAW team was welcomed by the pastor and introduced to the congregation.
The afternoon was spent at two craft markets where we were able to watch artisans at work and make purchases to take home to family and friends.
Ruth Sealey and Linda Straus forTeam Tanzania 2017
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