Monday, 27 May 2019

Philippines: Always Grateful For Our Oversea's Volunteers!

Today we had 2 distributions giving 900 bedkits out. Both ran smoothly and were balanced. 

Following the morning distribution we went to visit a Church that was was affected by a volcano in 1995. The San Guillermo Parish Church floor is currently 24 Ft above the original floor. Lahar is the ash that covered the church and settled like cement. The Church windows had been high windows and are now below the floor level. We only see the tips of the windows now. Amazingly the church was not destroyed. The front windows became the doors. 

After the second distribution we took a tricycle ride to a mall and to return we took a Jeepney home.   Fortunately we had members of the oversees volunteers with us in each tricycle since we got separated at the mall. Thus we took two separate jeepneys home. We were all home safely with no real worries.  

Irwin Kelly for

Team Philippines 2019
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