Monday 9 February 2009

Mumbai: Distribution 7

From Mumbai 2009 Photo Album
Today was the longest commute to Manor Village which was at least 2 1/2 hr drive one way.

The distribution site was held at a factory of a Rotarian member. He has 25 employees who had packed and sorted the kits for two days and helped with the distribution. The remainder of the day they were given off. We gave out 350 bed kits to children from approximately seven schools from the neighbouring villages. All went smoothly.

From Mumbai
2009 Photo Album
After being hosted for lunch we headed back home. To our astonishment we saw an elephant walking on the side of the road: our first elephant. We stopped for photos and an up-close-encounter with this amazing huge beast. Tonight we are being treated for dinner by the Rotarians.

A perfect end to a great day.

The Mumbai 2009 Team

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