Everyday begins as a new adventure. It is the rainy season in Honduras. We rise with the hope the sun will break through the clouds and bathe the children in its warmth as they prepare for the photo shoot and get their bedkits. Occasionally we have had to retreat into a classroom or find shelter under a canopy. But nature has been kind and heavy rains wait until the last snap of the camera shutter and the last child has been given the treasure of a bedkit.
The roads and countryside have not however escaped the wrath of heavy rains that have plagued Honduras for some time. Flooding has closed some; others have been heavily pitted creating ditches that must be carefully navigated by our driver. The natural contours of the countryside lend themselves to steep, narrow and muddy passageways that challenge both the driver and the many children we see going to school. Some families have lost their homes, mudslides taking their humble homes with them. Imagine the importance of the mattress of the bedkit that protects a child from the dampness of a mud floor.
On behalf the the Honduras SCAW team 2012
Irene Harrison.