Saturday, 5 August 2017

Tanzania: Farewell and Lala Salaam Children!

Our distribution has wrapped up successfully and 5,500 children will sleep better and be protected from malaria!  Our last day went very smoothly, even with a couple of interruptions from rain showers. The children were delightful.

Kay found a kindred spirit in song and organized the children for photos.
Lyle gave mattresses to the children and rocked with getting children ready for photos.
Linda kept us on track and made sure our photo count was perfect.
Donna talked with parents about sleep and entertained the children with puppets.
Ruth gave each child a warm and loving greeting as she put the backpacks on the children.
And Lyndsay got some great photos and video for SCAW's marketing partner MAVERICK to use in upcoming SCAW projects.

As Team Leader, I had an amazing, hard-working team!

We want to sincerely thank our Overseas Volunteer Partners. Without Mama Wandoa, Wendy, Benjamin and their team of dedicated volunteers, this distribution would not happen.

So "Lala Salaam" (sleep well) children in Tanzania.

Helen Scutt for Team Tanzania 2017
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