Wednesday 12 December 2018

Pune: A Successful 6th Day of Distribution!!

Our sixth day of distribution started, as always with a warm reception by the local hosts.  To the sound of drumming we were fitted with our pink headdresses before mounting beautifully adorned horses to ride to the venue where 750 excited children and their parents awaited us.

Following the requisite introductions by the Rotarians, our team leader explained and showed the content of the sleeping kit to the wide-eyed audience.

The venue, a newly constructed community hall, allowed us to set up a very efficient distribution flow under a covered roof, which kept us out of the unbearably hot sun. The local organizers did a fantastic job of determining the flow which enabled the distribution to go quickly and efficiently,  before we all gathered, around 5 p.m. for our joint lunch with our Rotarian partners.

Team Pune 2018
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