Thursday 11 July 2019

Tanzania: 780 More Bedkits Distributed!

Today’s adventure started (not so) bright and early - up at 4:50 a.m. and on the road by 5:30 a.m. Everyone made wake-up call and we headed down into the southern coastal region. Even at this hour the streets are busy and there are people everywhere beginning their day.

We arrived at today’s school - Kilimahewa - by 7:45 a.m. The roads were less busy than anticipated which gave us extra time to spend with the children before beginning the distribution.

The children are fantastic all the time, but they have extra energy first thing in the morning and they love to help us get organized.

This is also the time when our team’s “child whisperer” starts her engagement with the children.

We had a special treat this morning as the children provided us with a half hour of songs, anthems and dance. A number of our group joined in the dancing and our team leader, Peggy, taught our new friends the hand jive to add to their repertoire!

I had the fun job of “mattress-giver” for the day. Always one of the best spots as you get to see the smiles on the children's faces as they receive their backpack and mattress.

The day progressed smoothly as the team delivered 780 bed kits in under 3 and a half hours - kudos to Mama, Benjamin and their team of volunteers who keep everything running like clockwork. Even the trip home was quicker than anticipated - all in all a great day.

James C. for
Team Tanzania 2019
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