Monday 8 July 2019

Tanzania: First Distribution!!

Our day began with a trip to Mama Wandoa's home. We arrived just in time to help load the truck with the backpacks and supplies

After a quick tour of Mama's home, we were shown upstairs to her cottage industry where the women and men sew the backpacks, bedding, and children's clothes.

Then it was on to the distribution. Today was a smaller group of children - 500! These bedkits were added on at the last minute. We were greeted by the parents with a warm welcome.

Backpacks and mattresses were organized, and then it was off to the races!


We knew it would be fun, we knew it would be rewarding, but not in our wildest dreams did we expect how much.

The day at school ends with the last child receiving his/her bedkit to the sound of ringing of the "tire-rim bell".

On our way home we stopped at the mattress factory that produces all the mattresses for all of the distributions in Tanzania – 7500 for this trip! We were shown the manufacturing of the mattresses from beginning to finished product. So many bright colours!

Louise W. & John M. 
for Team Tanzania 2019
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