Sunday 22 June 2008

Kenya: Africa Inland Church, Nakura

Day 7

The Day 7 distribution took place at the Africa Inland Church in Nakura. Nakura sits on the edge of Lake Nakura National Park, one of the most popular parks in Kenya for viewing wildlife. It is unlikely that many of the tourists are aware of the poverty and illness in the town that they pass to reach the park.

This was the first sunny day of the Kenyan distribution but fortunately the overseas volunteers for the day, the Rotary Clubs of Nairobi and Nakura had arranged for tents to be put up with chairs for each of the children. The children were occupied throughout with the leadership of Girl Guides and teachers who led them in several hours of dancing and singing. The majority of the children today were either orphans or children with HIV/Aids.

At the conclusion of the day, the team started surveys of the parents as to the contents of the bedkits, letting them view the bedkit and then answering questions on how the bedkits can be improved, what is most useful, least useful, etc.

For this group of parents, grandparents and guardians, there appeared to be satisfaction in all of the contents!

Alan Ingram
for the 2008 SCAW Kenya team.

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