Wednesday 25 June 2008

Kenya: Mission Accomplished

The Final Distribution

The last day of the Kenya distribution occurred at St. Benedict’s Primary School in Nairobi where a total of 779 bedkits pushed us to the 6,500 total for Kenya.

When you consider that the decision to return to Kenya was only made near the end of March, this was a huge commitment by both the Rotary Club of Nairobi and by our Sleeping Children team.

By working together, the job got done and there was tremendous joy from 6,500 Kenyan children and their parents and relief that the distribution was complete with no major issues. Keep in mind that the March distribution was set up for 5,000 bedkits. When it was postponed and increased to 6,500 bedkits, it meant that Rotary members were taking on the task of of increasing the number from 4,000 in 2007 to a whopping 6,500 in 2008.

Thanks to the Rotary Club of Nairobi and to our donors who gave the wonderful gift of sleep to 6,500 needy Kenyan children.

Duncan Macgregor
for the 2008 SCAW Kenya team.

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