Thursday 13 February 2020

Belgaum 2020: The smiles say it all

Today we travelled 90 minutes to the small village of Alnavar, where our team distributed 700 bedkits, bringing our total so far to 4,700. This was the second day working with our local partner the “Ekal” group. They are a group of volunteers who work with the people in rural areas to meet their greatest challenges.

The children gave us a warm welcome on our arrival. They feel very lucky to have been selected to be a recipient of a bedkit. The smiles on their faces say it all. Following the distribution, we were invited to visit the home of one of the recipients of this year’s bedkit. The family (grandmother, parents, two children) live in a very modest home comprised of two rooms -- kitchen and bedroom -- with no furniture or plumbing. The contents of the bedkit were valued by the entire family.

A warm welcome on our arrival:

Our host family:

Happy recipients of a bedkit:

The villagers join the photo:

A visit with the family reinforces to us how beneficial the bedkit is.

Lou Vavougios
Team Belgaum 2020